Acupuncture in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki!
1) Acupuncture (dry needling)
2) Abdominal Acupuncture
3) Spiritual (Esoteric) Acupuncture
4) Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture
5) Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)
Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM exists for more than 4000 years already
According to TCM and Chinese philosophy, the human body is under influence of the same natural and cosmic laws as our nature and cosmos altogether.
Those laws are f.e. the division in YIN and YANG-energy, equilibrium between opposites, the philosophy of the five elements, etc.
The goals we aim for with acupuncture are both harmony in the energy flow in the body, as well as harmony between the person and his surrounding, in order to get a good function of the organs and the nervous system, and a body that is as healthy as possible.
Nowadays, also a more western approach enriches the acupuncture. This approach derives from neurology, physiology and endocrinology.
Acupuncture, internationally recognized as a complete healing system, has good therapeutic results. Combinations with f.e. electroacupuncture, moxibustion, auriculotherapy, physiotherapy, homeopathy, etc. are possible as well (this is done by a physiotherapist, not by an acupuncturist who is a medical doctor).
What to expect?
The therapist inserts very thin needles on special spots along the energy meridians of the body, and the needles remain there for 20 minutes or more.
As an alternative to needles, it is possible to stimulate those acupuncture points with a small electrode.
Certain cases need the application of heat on the acupuncture points: then moxa, a kind of incense, is used. Sometimes a needle or semen on the ear is applied.
Some of the indications for acupuncture, the World Health Organization mentions, are the following:
More lower back pain, Abdominal acupuncture is a modern system in acupuncture, that uses only the acupuncture points on the skin of the abdomen (belly). Because of this we can see the abdomen as an area where the whole body reflects itself (microsystem). The therapist sees the abdomen as the “lower brain” (in contrast to the physical brain), and so we can use it as a reflectory regulator of the physical brain. Dr.Bo understands that the acupuncture points on the abdomen have a very special influence on the rest of the body and the (Zang/Fu) organs in the belly, when the special, very fine needles are inserted. every orthopedic problem (myoskeletical problems), The results show themselves very quickly, also for chronic problems! The purpose of Esoteric Acupuncture is to raise your human consciousness to the subtle higher and expanded consciousness levels, experiencing your inner journey. This is done by the decoding and unlocking of the “doors” to new levels of awareness. In addition with the necessary spiritual work, Inner Plane work and service work the esoteric acupuncture results in : finding a higher meaning in your live. The New Acupuncture patterns set up a vibrational frequency field that attract very fine frequency waves through the special spin point sites. This field also allows the energies to leave the etheric body via the acupuncture meridians in order to reconnect with the various axiatonal grids. This is the energy of the inbreath/outbreath creation. ( = Exchange of information) The New Encoding patterns are not magical self-realisation processes, though we view them as tools for assisting you in your spiritual and Inner Plane development and growth. Transforming the acupuncture sites into area’s with “spinpoint activity”, the New Encoding patterns install the correct frequencies for a development to occur and to harmonize the finer etheric bodies. Therefore in turn, this shift helps us to better understand ourselves, and accelerates the information we are able to access and process. In reality, all of the information is contained within us but we need the key to unlock the knowledge. The New Acupuncture patterns are specifically to open a “gateway” to multidimensional realities and to align and harmonize the Qi flow on all the bodies and planes that we are ready to access at that particular time. Facial rejuvenation Acupuncture is a safe and painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of aging. Though facial rejuvenationing acupuncture is sometimes referred to as Acupuncture Facelift or Cosmetic Acupuncture, it is more than a cosmetic procedure. It is a rejuvenation and revitalization process designed to help the whole body look and feel younger. Facial acupuncture is originally developed for patients with paralyzed muscles from Bell’s Palsy or stroke. The result of treatment was so cosmetically pronounced overtime that it is transformed into a program for anti-aging and beauty. There are two aspects to the benefits of Facial Acupuncture. Firstly is the benefit of ‘local’ treatment andSecondly is the benefit of ‘root’ treatment. Local treatment directly addresses facial aging symptoms while the root treatment treats the underlying cause of facial symptoms such as hormonal balance, digestive problems or emotional stress. Therefore both local and root treatments are performed in each session to provide the best and the longest lasting benefits. Facial Acupuncture erase as many as 5 to 15 years from the face, with results apparent after a course of treatments. We see this as: Elimination of fine lines and diminished wrinkles. Reduced bags under the eyes. Firmed jaws. Puffiness eliminated, droopy eyelids lifted. Minimized double chin. Other likely results also include: moisturizing of the skin with increased local circulation of blood and lymph to the face, increased collagen production, muscle tone, and dermal contraction, tightening of the pores, brightening of the eyes, improvement of hormonal balance to help acne and the reduction of stress. Facial cosmetic acupuncture brings out the innate beauty and radiance of an individual. Facial acupuncture is much more effective than facial massage alone. A 1996 report in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with Facial Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment. the skin becomes delicate and fair, improvement of the elasticity of facial muscles and leveling of wrinkles, and overall rejuvenation not only confined to the face. Since the body/mind/spirit are all connected, negative emotions reflect in the face and change the appearance of skin texture, color and tension: acupuncture eliminates stress and bring out innate strength, vitality and health. You not only look younger but also most certainly feel younger. While not a replacement for surgery, Facial Acupuncture is an excellent alternative. It is far less costly than cosmetic surgery and is safe, virtually painless, has no side effects or risk of disfigurement. Unlike surgery that may have an extended recovery period with swelling and discoloration, there is no trauma from Facial Acupuncture. While Facial Acupuncture cannot reshape one’s nose or chin, it is a more subtle rejuvenation that takes years off one’s face safely and naturally while improving overall health. In some people, slight bruising occurs, especially around the eye or neck area. This is nothing compared to the bruising, pain and swelling associated with a surgical procedure. These bruises disappear in three to seven days. Facial Acupuncture is a contraindication for some pituitary disorders, heart disorders and diabetes mellitus. Also contraindicated are: high blood pressure, having a pacemaker, problems with bleeding or bruising, or currently suffering from migraine headaches. Facial Acupuncture is a contraindication during pregnancy, during a bout with a cold or flu, during an allergic attack or during an acute herpes outbreak. A course of treatment consists of 10-15 sessions (generally 12). We recommend that clients have the first 6 sessions twice a week and have the last 6 sessions once a week to get maximum result. This means that a full course of sessions takes 9 weeks to complete. Some results we see as early as the 2nd or the 3rd session but the effects are most noticeable and lasting on the 7th or 8th session. In some exceptionally difficult cases, the course of treatment needs to be repeated again. As in surgical facelifts, the actual outcome and how long the effects will last cannot be predicted. Each person responds differently, depending on his or her age, condition and lifestyle prior to treatment. For this reason, results for some may be more or less dramatic than they are for others. Following the initial course of treatment, monthly maintenance sessions prolong the results for 5 to 10 years. The benefits of a monthly maintenance program are both for the face, as well as the body’s overall health and vitality. This, in itself, slows down the aging process. Less
disc problems, hernia,
neck pain, neck-arm syndrome
diarrhea, muscle pains,
gynaecological problems,
psychosomatic problems,
memory loss, tiredness
sleep problems, dyspepsia,
rheumatoid arthritis,
skin problems,tension, stress,
sinus problems, sciatica, thoracic pains
hemiplegia, stroke
arthritis, periarthritis
constipation, headaches, migraines
lung problems, weak immune systemAcupuncture in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki!
For example: backproblems with irradiating pains to the legs can be treated by applying exclusively needles on the abdomen of the client.Indications:
depression, low energy,
digestive problems, sleeplessness,
hypertension, tension headache,
problems during the climacterium,
overweight, apoplexy,
Parkinson’s disease,
unexplicable diseases and strange symptoms,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis,
I advise to do the first three sessions daily, followed by two sessions per week, and after that one session per week.Acupuncture in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki!
Therefore we use fine acupuncture needles (0.26mm) for a new energy healing concept that fits the Aquarius age, the 21th century. (Dr. Mikio Sankey )
growth of knowledge,
access to the Akashic records,
opening of your chakra centers,
activating New Encodings in the different subtle bodies,
strengthening of the Antahkarana which connects us with our Higher Self (oversoul), our I Am ( Monad ), Acupuncture in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki!
What are the effects of Facial Acupuncture?
While it does not produce the dramatic results of some of invasive procedures, it does help the face look younger, healthier and more radiant without dangerous side effects.These effects included:
Why choose Facial Acupuncture over a surgical face-lift?
Are there any contraindications for Facial Acupuncture?
What is the course of treatment for Facial Acupuncture?
YNSA is a relatively new acupuncture technique (1973) when we compare to the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture (4000+ years old).
According to the YNSA, the ultra thin needles we mainly apply to the scalp, after carefully diagnosing both the root of the issue as well as the symptoms of the disease.
During the session the results of the needling we assess with care.
YNSA is created in Japan, originally to ease pain and neurological diseases. It now shows that the system influences other health issues as well.
This acupuncture concept works (relatively) fast, and is holistic. “Holistic” means that it influences both body and psyche.
YNSA is a creation by Dr, Yamamoto, and is being developed further and taught by David Bomzon & Avi Amir (Israel).
I love YNSA, a new tool in my therapy box, that works straight on the central nervous system influenced by those scalp points! If you wonder if acupuncture can do something for your issues, please do not hesitate to pop me the question.