Spiritual awakening to the Truth (music, meditations & lessons)
Overall objective:
The participant realizes that he is the creator of life and that he is a lifelong student.
He will attain the ability to use new “tools” to make changes in every area of life (health, relationships, self esteem, abundance).
The students recognises the signs and sympoms in the stages of the process of spiritual awakening and ascension.
Goals per section:
The participant has the ability to formulate how he fits in the cosmic creation, based on global wisdom and philosophy.
The student has the ability to be in a position of trust to address and to cope with the human behavior in the victim-perpetrator game.
You have the ability to recognize the principle of “Duality” in life and to exceed into “the Singularity” (“Oneness”) by connecting with your soul….
The participant also is able to choose to be in the “NOW” moment.
The student is able to observe himself, to choose what he wants to change and also knows how to apply the STARTING tool to set off his -esoteric- transformation.
Therefore you fully accept that you yourself put obstacles in your life by having the various “limiting beliefs”.
Also, the participant knows to use the techniques that ground him entirely in the “here and now”.
The student has the ability to apply a second and third alternative creation technique for life to be easier.
The participant understands the cycle of life, Samsara, and understands what implications there are for his life choices now.
The student has the ability to find moments of regeneration and relaxation whenever he wants to.
You have the capacity to discover hidden truths behind life events that come in very useful. The participant has the ability to recognize his fears and eliminate them so he needs less outer help.