Etheric Body Treatment (EBT1-EBT2-EBT3):
also called: BIOENERGY / an “Initiation In the Spheres”
Overall objective:
The 2 day training in 8 modules of the EBT healing modality (Etheric Body Treatment) teaches the therapist to harmonize the physical body with the etheric bodies, so as to create mental and physical harmony within the client for health and wellness.
Goals per section:
More 1) The participant is able to formulate the anatomy and physiology of the energy body, as well as what EBT offers to the person. The participant has the ability to formulate how the eight major systems of the human body are ruled by the biomagnetic energy body, which is around the physical body. 2) The student understands how to set up a treatment after having observed an EBT session. 3) You have the ability to recognize and balance the unbalanced points in the etheric bodies by cleaning and balancing techniques, which are both safe and effective. The participant has the ability to correct himself applying the treatment. 4) The participant has the capacity to feel, to intuit and maybe to see the energy flow in “chakras” (energy centers) and energy bodies, which have influence on the physical body. You ae able to lead the client to recognize the voice of his heart 5) The student is able to explain what energy-pathology is, what thought-forms are and how the soul, the emotions and “the energies from previous lives” are connected with the etheric body. 6) The therapist is able to implement also other two techniques, the “light meditation” and knows how to ask for help from the angels etc. 7) The certificated therapist is able to apply the “treatment on the etheric body” because the seminar contains practice in order to gain experience. You will experience the workings of this therapy by receiving treatments during the seminar. 8) The participant has the ability to give a remote EBT (to others) and to apply it as a self-healing! Duration: 2 days The 2 day training in 8 modules of the EBT -2- techniques (Etheric Body Treatment) teaches the therapist to harmonize the physical body with the etheric bodies, so as to create mental and physical harmony within the client for health and wellness. EBT-2- offers deepening of understanding, learning of new techniques and learning how to find the causes of the issues/diseases. 1) A quick repeat of EBT-1. To be able to apply the “forgiveness technique.” The participant has the ability to explain the three levels of human control. To be able to apply the”opening of the heart” technique. 2) The student takes part in the “forgiveness” and “heart opening” meditation. The participant has the ability to take the client’s history, and knows how it can help to see the “color rays of evolution” of the client. You have the ability to go in-depth to find the possible causes of pain. How to share -in a constructive manner- your findings on the situation of the client. 3) Also you will be able to implement two other advanced EBT techniques. 4) Practice 5) How to apply “therapeutic conversation”. 6) The participant is able to explain what “limiting beliefs” and “hypnosis” are. 7) The student has the ability to explain “the power of NOW.” 8) The pupil is able to formulate the possible causes of diseases using the esoteric psychology, language expressions and proverbs. Practical training Duration: 2 days The 2 day training in 9 sections of EBT-3- teaches the therapist to harmonize the physical body with the etheric bodies, so as to create mental and physical harmony within the client for health and wellness. There will be a deepening in understanding of the most subtle energy layers, the student learns new techniques and acquires understanding of more dimensions. 1) A quick repeat of EBT-2-. The participant is able to apply the advanced: “Auric Flow Technique”. He has the ability to explain how (energetically) we “create” and how we ” express thoughts.” 2) The participant is able to explain how “The Creative Distributor” works. He has the ability to apply the “Cosmic Fire” meditation. The student has the ability to implement “dreams” in therapy. 3) The participant is able to explain how the basic knowledge of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine) help during treatment. 4) One is able to use the evaluation sheet. The pupil has a total picture of all the possibilities that exist within EBT. 5) Practice. 6) The participant is able to accompany the client to recognize the voice of his heart, and to work with symbols. 7) Science and other techniques like EBT (Lynn Mc Taggart, P.van Lommel etc.) 8) You are able to express how you can treat patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis. The participant has the ability to assess the impressions from his third eye. One has the ability to analyze & explain fingerprints 9) Practice Duration: 2 days LessETHERIC BODY TREATMENT -2-
Overall objective:
Goals per section:
Overall objective:
Goals per section: