“Online”/ “Remote” holistic therapy, counselling
“Online”/ “Remote” holistic therapy (like Reiki & Etheric Body Treatment), from a charismatic healer brings you effectively and safely, straight to your goal!
Together we thoroughly address all dimensions of your issues in order to acquire insight and understanding. You are able to see your issue from another perspective and that releases it forever.
Blocked energy flow -which gives imbalance, pain and diseases- is often based on old (often useless now) beliefs and feelings. Also old promises, oaths, covenants and declarations, which need “deletion”, delay your health and life situations.
The therapies help unblock all of these aspects. During the treatment sometimes you understand what is changing, and we talk about it. Sometimes the issues just leave, and you feel amazingly lighter and healthier suddenly.
All energy flows in your body will be freed by this treatment. Health follows,the pain is relieved and you feel more positive!