From the unseen world around us (etheric body, astral and higher levels), there are often undesirable influences on our bodies and lifes. These adverse influences are often simply created by other people (during this or in “former” lifes), but also by ourselves. This usually happens by mere ignorance, since it is unseen and we act unconsciously.
Adverse influences can be the cause in humans for:
unexplained fatigue,
recurring accidents,
concentration problems,
tinnitus and much more.
If you want to get rid of these negative influences in order to achieve what you choose to create easier, and to have a “flow” in your life, call for an appointment!
Choose the item you want to set as the “intent” of your session.
The session is in a sitting position and dressed.
Whatever happens you will discover step by step through discussion during treatment.
You will -of course- be in an forgiving attitude.
Archangels and others purify you and heal you in response to your invocation.
The steps are:
1) removal of mental waste
2) removal of sharp energetic objects
3) cutting of energy ties
4) renouncing of old promises/ vows/ pacts/devotions
5) removing metallic energy object like knives/ chains
6) cleaning and balancing the energy centers (chakras)
7) filling the aura with new light
The results are immediate and long term.
The treatment is mild and safe.
This is a 1 day workshop.
The workshop will be held for 4 students and more.
“The seminar helped me get to a new level of recognition of the world of angels. A world invisible to human eyes, but not in the mind! You connect spiritually with wonderful energies and you learn to know your strengths. It is beautiful to acquire the ability to help and to purify yourself and anyone else in need.”
(Alexandra Vasilikaki)
“Incredible experience. Direct connection with angels, easy and evident and learnable by all people. Apart from the help that I receive for a specific problem, it generally helps me in my difficult everyday life and it cleans my aura. The most beautiful of all is that I see results very fast. An useful instrument for all.”
(Helen Ziaka)