Learning Relaxation Techniques to Overcome Your Stress & Anxiety.
How to be calm in a busy world….
You may sometimes suffer from the symptoms of anxiety in your life.
Potential symptoms are for example: fast breathing, feeling of pins & needles in hands, feet or around the mouth. Also headache & migraine, spasms in hands or feet and a tight feeling on the chest or around the throat are possible symptoms for example.
In addition other symptoms can be: black spots in your vision, noise in the ears, sleeplessness, sensitivity to diseases, high blood pressure, dyspepsia, uneasiness, tendency to drink alcohol, and of course also: smoking or binge eating.
Many people resort to taking medicines in order to maintain a level of mental balance.
However there is no shame if you have anxiety problems, in fact it shows how sensitive you are! In order not to suffer from anxiety, all that is needed is to learn how to handle the body and mind.
Life has become very demanding and fast. Also certain people are more sensitive than others by birth (Highly Sensitive Persons, HSP).
The stress, fear and pressure you accumulate can manifest itself as a panic attack. Fear of such an attack/ crisis easily creates a vicious circle for another panic attack….
Learning how to use several relaxation techniques for stopping or even avoiding a panic attack will make you more confident. The techniques you will learn in this short and practical course are proven, recognized, simple, and safe.
You learn the appropriate intention/ attitude for this exercise to be easy and effective.
Get the underlying understanding about O2 /CO2 balance and the influence on the PH level of your body.
In conclusion: everything can be learned! You also receive a free-of-charge manual containing the details of the techniques practiced!
As a result of the seminar you know the eight (8) effective – non pharmaceutical – techniques. Those help you to stop anxiety attacks and promote relaxation and inner balance.
The goal is to acquire the ability to apply those techniques in your everyday life.
So join in and experience personally each relaxation technique.
Everyone who needs to learn about relaxation for health, is welcome!
Duration of the course: 2,5 hours.
Maximum number of students is 6!