1) Reiki
2)Psychotherapeutic Reiki
3) Etheric Body Therapy (bioenergy)
1) Reiki
Reiki-therapists are channels for Reiki-energy, a kind of therapeutic cosmic energy.
Reiki-treatment can be given with three different degrees of energy, depending on the degree of the therapist’s training and on the chosen degree of energy for that particular person.
The difference of degree can not only be felt by both therapist and client, but has also a difference in the “depth” the therapy reaches: Reiki 3° is the deepest penetrating energy of the three kinds of Reiki.
Reiki can be used on yourself and on others.
Reiki can be given “hands on” or from a distance.
A complete Reiki-treatment takes between 1 and 1,5 hours, depending on the degree used.
More The therapist puts her hands on the head of the client, and then slowly continues by changing her hand positions until all the body has been covered on the front and back. The client is fully dressed during the treatment. Reiki energy is used to open up the deeper layers of the Self, by sending Reiki to the head and using creative imagination and forgiveness to heal the client from disharmonies in the body. This is a subtle treatment of the etheric bodies of the client from the hands of the therapist or the intention of the therapist, who channels energy. The treating hands move above and around, at a distance from the clients body. All physical problems have a psycho-spiritual origin. That means, from this point of view, that we have to be thankful for those physical diseases; they help us to get to know ourselves, our thought-patterns, and our emotional world. When we realize the “roots” of our physical problems we can start to eliminate them; forgiving ourselves and others, and releasing old emotions that have got “stuck” in our body parts. During the treatment the client many times “feels” or “sees” the changes in the body, and realises what is going on. ,Harmony in body, mind, spirit and emotions, healing of the physical body, insight in ourselves and our lives, deep relaxation, a better metabolism. Sometimes our body cannot function properly anymore and there is a sense of “heavyness” and obstruction of movement and flow. EBT can help to release this heavyness, and then you start being content with yourself and your life. EBT we use once a week to treat deeper problems. In an acute phase one treats much more frequently! Remote-treatment-over-distance is possible with this therapy. Less
The client is able to feel:
Deep relaxation, warm tingling sensations, and gets a feeling of wellbeing.
Reiki opens slowly and gently the deeper layers of the being and then healing becomes possible.2) Psychotherapeutic Reiki
This means finding the deeper roots of the energy-blockage and releasing cell-memories that created the imbalance in the first place.3) Etheric Body Treatment (EBT), Aura-healing/ Bioenergy
All illnesses and disharmonies first express themselves in the subtle, etheric bodies of the person, and later in the physical body itself, except if we do something to prevent this process! (by intercepting in the etheric body before the dis-ease expresses itself further, in the physical body). That means that the therapy can be used as a cure as well as preventative healing.Results vary:
video of energy based therapies (2 min.)
Reiki courses